Rebuild! And the long road ahead...

With the game jam out of the way, the three of us who crammed for this as complete newbies to game development got together. While the initial game jam submission is INCREDIBLY buggy in this alpha state. We also decided as a result of the game jam and lessons learned throughout the jam, that we're proceeding with continuing to develop the game. So with that in mind - as a team we are going to make Umbra Vitae go from a fun Jam project we used as a kick off for our learning experience - to going full game.

Here's what the road ahead looks like at this time:

  • We're going to rebuild Umbra Vitae's base skeleton from scratch. We learned a lot of lessons regarding organization, compatibility issues, and Godot's regular functionality. So with those lessons, we now have a good view on where we did good and where we did poorly. Additionally, without needing to rush for completion in time for a jam - We're going to be able to implement and develop the systems in the way which we originally envisioned them rather than what we could finish in time for submission.
  • For her first priority, Mage is spending time on getting the alchemy system working the way which we originally envisioned it. Drag and drop system, stocking the shelving with recurring ingredients, etc.
  • Rune (that's me o/ howdy.) is working on the core structure. He's getting the baseline story progression points in order, defining the alchemy system's combinations, and other fun discoveries to be had in-game at this time. Once the base storyline points are completed, those are going to be further defined and refined to become a (hopefully) engaging story with secrets of discovery and learning.  Additionally, Rune will be working on the dialogue, trees, and impact of choices which you the player will make throughout the game. 
  • Felix in the meanwhile will be helping to define and direct the art style of the game. They're essential to the visuals of the game and we are lucky to have them in our team and helping make this world come to life.

Once these initial goals are met, a new version of the demo will be put out in place of the current Jam version of Umbra Vitae. After these vital systems have been rebuilt and are polished to work exactly as intended - we'll then be laying out a long-term roadmap to release. I'll also drop periodic updates for those interested.

I hope you decide to follow our team as we work towards release!

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